Meet your lovely friends at Doggo Hood. Detailed profiles of the most popular dog breeds are included.
My personal blog with JAMstack architecture. It uses Next.js SSR and all the posts are managed by Hygraph CMS.
My old portfolio website showcases all my skills, projects, and services.
A React frontend application provides the latest coin prices and crypto news. You can also view details info about a specific coin.
A React dashboard application with themes toggle, charts, kanban board and more.
A landing page for a fictional travel company. Developed and deployed with enhanced Performance, SEO and Accessibility.
A fullstack social media website application with full CRUD operations, authentication, review and map integration.
An animated landing page with Creative Tim's design. Integrated with Animate on Scroll library.
Get the latest news and space images from NASA's API. Built with custom loading animation.
A web app where you can add your to-do items drags them between tables. Items are auto-saved to local storage.
A Netflix clone project built with Typescript, Next.js and Firebase Authentication.
Can you guess all the states in the US? Give it a shot! The game was built with Pandas and Turtle module.